KlangGestalten is a group of European craftsmen and craftswomen devoted to research, innovation, and the promotion of contemporary violin and bow making. Friendly collaboration and cooperative exchange among colleagues: that is the foundation on which the KlangGestalten group has built its success for over 20 years. Its members all endeavor to pass on the cultural heritage of violin and bow making to future generations.
KlangGestalten opens its work up to the public in annual exhibitions featuring try-out sessions and recitals. The group also organizes workshops that convey fundamental violin and bow making knowledge to music students, performing musicians, and the general public.
In 2013 we initiated “Con-Takt”, an offer for conservatory students. In events tailored specifically for their needs and enquiries, music students are encouraged to develop a more conscious, well-informed relationship with their instrument. By attending lectures and recitals, as well as participating in try-out sessions, they can acquire fundamental and advanced knowledge about the mechanism and mode of action of bowed string instruments. The most recent KlangGestalten/Con-Takt events took place at the Hanns Eisler University of Music in Berlin, at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich, and at the Vienna University of Music and the Performing Arts.
We have also initiated the “Con-Takt Junior” project to provide young, talented musicians eight years and older with handcrafted master instruments and bows in 3/4 size after they have successfully passed an audition.